Late spring was in sign of diverse activity. Tetra Pack entered in creative process preparing and presenting some new tunes on the concerts in Barcelona. Kaleidoskop recorded a video forContinue readingMaresme
April in Belgrade
April in Belgrade is a famous song from the sixties that was on my mind during the last visit to my hometown. This visit was in sign of two wonderfulContinue readingApril in Belgrade
Into the Spring
We had an interesting concerts previous month. Balkanaizer had two successful performances approaching music from Macedonia. The concerts were in the sign performances of Uri, who played cello and ourContinue readingInto the Spring
This year tour of “Musica de los Balkanes dentro de una maleta” started with concerts in Palma de Mallorca and Toledo.
New sound
Last concert of Tetra Pack in Barcelona with new musicians brought some fresh and interesting sound. Nice experience!